Monday, April 4, 2016

The Whole Equation of Pictures

"The Whole Equation of Pictures” discusses Hollywood film making. The article discusses different styles used for film. Thomas Schatz explains that directors used to be given too much credit for their film making and the success they have endured. Auterism was influential in effectively stalling film history and criticism in a prolonged stage of adolescent romanticism. When it comes to auterism, the key issues are creative expression and creative control. After the collapse of the studio system, New Hollywood era emerged. Schatz described New Hollywood by pointing out some of Hollywoods most important moments and even specifically discusses a few filmmakers. Aside from the discussion of the industry and market, Schatz makes claims that  the style of the directors and producers are large pieces of film making. I found Schat'z overall discuss on Hollywood film making to be intriguing. 

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