Thursday, April 21, 2016

The end of cinema

This reading discusses some of the new technologies that have been changing cinema over the years. The first was the VCR which was introduced in the 80's and allowed for people to do things that they had not been able to do before, such as pause, use timer, playback features. I enjoyed this discussion because it brought a little bit of nostalgia back from my childhood. While my large collection of VCR's sit somewhere in my house these days at one point they were the top of cinema technology. I thought that it was interesting how the author describes the VCR as a machine that treated films as objects to be explored, "as if they were objects of the past to be studied." The reading also describes technologies such as cable television, the remote control, and the growing technologies of screens. These technologies have also changed film studies as the studies have had to grow with the technologies. Film studies has grown and will continue to grow as new technologies and machines come out to go along with it.

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