Sunday, April 10, 2016

Fuller on Moulin Rouge

The article asks if Moulin Rouge “singlehandedly revived the musical as a genre.” At first when looking up Moulin Rouge before watching it, I sighed at the fact that it’s a musical. I use to watch and enjoy musicals with my father when I was younger but slowly grew out of it. However, I was pleasantly pleased with Moulin Rouge.  Luhrmann points out that the movie is a “red-curtain style” movie because of the way the actors exaggerating their actions and keeps the audience entertained using enchanting ways.  He shows this to the audience visually when the opening and closing act is with a red curtain stage, as well as metaphorically by following the musical film genre.  Luhrmann elaborates how this style requires a “recognizable mythic structure.” Without watching those movies with my dad, I would have had no basic of what to expect out of a musical. I believe that Moulin Rouge was meant to take the audiences idea of a common musical and distort in an artistic, new way. Moulin Rouge met my expectations with singing, romance and a quest but went above my expectations by adding famous pop music, a quick pace and an explosion of colors.

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