Sunday, April 24, 2016

Psychoanalytical approach and Citizen Kane

I found Mulvey’s ,Citizen Kane, to be particularly interesting. One of the most interesting aspects was her psychoanalytical approach to understanding Kane and his character. Mulvey suggests that Kane has an Oedipal complex that affects him and his later life. Forced to cut ties with his mother for the sake of capitalism Kane develops a warped way of looking at the World. Capitalism becomes his whole world and he develops a life devoid of motherly love. He rejects the father figures in his life and feels out of control. This behavior makes Kane need to be in control of everything. This is why in his other relationships with Women he needs to be in control as well. Everything stems from his childhood separation from his mother. I think this is a way of reading the film I had never thought about before. I don’t think this approach explains all of Kane’s behaviors, but it is a good insight into some of is motivations.

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