Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Schatz & Fuller

 First, I am a huge fan of Moulin Rouge so was extremely happy that it was one of the films that we watched this semester. The first article I want to discuss is the Fuller one.  I thought that the interview style of a good part of this reading made it easy to pick out important and interesting points. The main one of those that I found was the notion that Moulin Rouge was an attempt to revive or reinvent the musical. I thought that Luhrmann's answer to this was interesting in that he stated that there is a job for film makers to define the code for how films are made. The Schatz articles were also interesting and I found the information to be provided in a clear manner. Something that I picked out from the Film Genre reading was that genre experience is based on our personal experiences and expectations. I also thought it was interesting that language and genre go hand in hand by being created in the minds of audiences. The final reading was other Schatz article in which he discussed "the whole equation of pictures." There are points in this reading where he criticizes that individuals were given too much credit for the success of films. He also discusses the transition to New Hollywood which came from "the ashes of studio era." He also stresses that we lost the creative and balanced system of film in the 1950's. I thought that this critique was interesting and I thought that all of the articles for 4/07 were interesting reads. 

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