Sunday, April 24, 2016

The End of Cinema

Friedberg’s, The End of Cinema, touched on some concepts related to film and the cinema that I had never thought about before. The VCR, Cable Television, and the television remote were just some of the technologies that revolutionized the way people interacted with films. For all of these items people had concerns that film would be a thing of the past and wouldn’t stay a popular medium. I think Film has come out stronger as a medium because of these technologies. Friedberg says that VCR in particular makes access to film easier. Film has learned to work within the confines of these new technologies and thrive. Film Studies has also changed with the introduction of these new technologies. The new Film Studies tries to account for this change in technology. It looks at film also in a new historical context. I think the Internet is another technology that has changed the way we interact with cinema. Film is now available everywhere on the Internet. Film studies needs to take into account the new interaction of film and Internet sites. This interaction has changed the way people forever will watch films and interact with them.

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