Monday, April 25, 2016

The End of Cinema Class Blog

The End of Cinema Class Blog

The End of Cinema centers on the idea that technology has evolved to the point where the concept and usage of film is becoming obsolete.  Friedberg touches on how emerging digital technology has affected the act of filmmaking for both the better and worse.  I was excited to read about this topic because it is one that I can personality relate with.  Unlike reading about Film Noir, German Expressionism, and other 20th century film movements, the digital age is one that I have personally experienced in real time.  In many ways I am conflicted about the turn to digital and I was pleased to see that so is Friedberg.  Digital cinema has allowed filmmakers to do so much more in such a shorter period of time.  While this is a good think, I believe that digital film has lead to disappointing film trends such as excessive CGI and 3D films.  I love that some filmmakers have resisted the turn to digital, such as Tarantino, and still hold dear the romantic nature of classical film development.    

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