Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The Obvious and the Code

Throughout this reading I learned the importance of camera movement. I feel as though when watching a film I usually am initially attracted to/first notice the Mise-en-scene. The things that initially stand out in a film are the costumes, settings, characters/portrayals, and other elements that give a sense of the who, what, where, and when of a film. However, this reading made it apparent that there is a strong importance of camera movement, angles, and shot techniques. In many ways, these elements of how the film is shot in terms of camera movement techniques, etc. can be attributed to making the ideas and message of the film become clear and in existence in the first place. Ultimately, the reading showed me that camera angles, movement, shot, etc. have a very important role in creating the film and effect on the overall message and idea conveyed in the film. 

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