Wednesday, March 9, 2016


I found the comparison of cinema and pieces of cinema to Japanese characters to be extremely fascinating, and made everything easier to understand. Cinema is really just putting pieces together to make something make sense, much like how pieces of characters are put together to make new words. It also solidifies the idea that in order to understand the whole, we must be able to put together its parts. I find this to be especially relevant to our film journals and dissection of film—each part contributes to a greater whole that allows us to make sense of everything. I will say I was a little confused about the greater idea of montage and how it fits into everything that Eisenstein is saying. From what I can surmise, it relates to the ability to weave things together and make pieces flow into each other. Dialectic, however, was much harder for me to understand. I think this also involves pieces being woven together, but I found this section much less intuitive and harder to understand for me.

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