Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The End of Cinema

I found Ann Feinberg's concern that cinema is ending to be a bit grandiose and dramatic. Yes, cinema is changing due to technological advances and the advent of the ability to watch movies on your personal computer, but I do not in any way think this is a bad thing. If anything, it is making films more widespread and more accessible. Now, there is a copy of almost any film online, meaning if we want to analyze and learn about a film from another country, we do not need a physical copy to be shipped from France. This helps film students learn more and better. Also, I am not disappointed in the bleeding together of mediums. Television has never been given the recognition it deserves, and now that movie techniques and distribution mediums are merging, it finally is, which is a fantastic thing and will result in more amazing television if movie directors aren't too embarrassed to work on television sets.

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