Monday, May 2, 2016

The End Of Cinema- Colletti

Anne Friedberg discusses how technology has been rapidly changing across media, such as television, and computers. Now you can watch whatever you want on your device, your television at home, the computer, or going to the movies. You can watch the same thing on all of these and Friedberg says how its shrinking the medium of cinema. Our visual field has been transformed by newer technologies, the field of film studies fins itself at a transitional moment says Friedberg, things are changing and some people think that its watering down cinema as a whole but I personally believe that there is no stopping technology and the more accessible it is for us the better. I understand where filmmakers are coming from and they will have to go through an adjustment period but that comes with everything. Friedberg also talks about before the digital revolution, Cable, VCRs, and the remote control were all stepping stones to prepare us for this digital revolution that is still going on now. It’ll be very interesting and exciting to see what cinema will be like in the next five years.

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